
Thesis committee:
     Joyce Hwang (chair)
     Dennis Maher
     Chris Romano
     Brad Wales

92 Bird Avenue, Buffalo, NY

Bahamon, Alejandro. Rematerial: From Waste to Architecture

Calvino, Italo. The Baron in the Trees

Falk, Bob and Guy, Brad. Unbuilding: Salvaging the Architectural Treasures of Unwanted Houses

Hoffman, John. The Art & Science of Dumpster Diving

Kennedy, Shiela. KVA: Material Misuse

Krakauer, Jon. Into the Wild

Lambot, Ian. City of Darkness: Life in Kowloon City

Lee, Pamela. Object to be Destroyed

Lynch, Kevin. Wasting Away

Neuwirth, Robert. Shadow Cities

Sinclair, Cameron and Stohr, Kate. Design Like You Give a Damn: Architectural Responses to Humanitarian Crises

Thoreau, Henry David. Walden; or, Life in the Woods

Till, Jeremy. Architecture Depends

Watts, Steven. Practicing Primitve: A Handbook of Aboriginal Skills